

many ideas this days, such as the changes in BBS, writing something (i haven't written anything for almost half a year! i'm also very surprised!)...
H2O makes a bigbigbigbig(!) meal for us, with highhighhighhigh quality 'small' dishes. so, H2O is H2O. just an H2O can tell us -

let the world wait for the next year

let the world wait for the next year
don't call me, talk to me, wait for me or e-mail me in the next few hours. i won't reply. i'll be alone in the few hours.
i know it clearly.
no one will call me, talk to me, wait for me or e-mail me inthe next few hours. although i said so, it doesn't mean that i'm not alone at other time.
maybe i'll read a novel written by a sleeper. or play an opus written by another sleeper.
since i'm not a sleeper - i know, i'm alone in fact.



在江南 有“冬至大于年”一说
尽管今天是冬至 但是苏州人过的是冬至夜 所以算是昨天就过掉了
清晨的时候 太阳想想既然是冬至 连天都懒得亮了

放学的时候走过墙边 问道极其熟悉的气味
腊梅花的想起是回忆不起来的 但是只要闻到就知道那是腊梅花开了 腊月也到了
尽管花枝还没有探出来 但是走过去之后 又转过来徘徊了一下 而那气味也无处可寻了




挺喜欢这部片子的前1/3部分的 一直以来都觉得戏台上的灯光漂亮 或许因为沪剧没有那样的灯光 所以几乎没有去看过沪剧
在片介里面一直记得有看到过 to be or not to be 但是一直到结尾 都没有看到这个镜头 幻觉?
挺长的片子 很久没在电影院看过这样漫长的电影了 经常是不经意间 灯就亮起来了


in a dream

梦中 我们推着钢琴走 把琴从一个教室推到另一个教室 在清晨 然后两架琴并列着 弹着记不起来的曲子